Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Big Girl Bed!!

After many talks with Ellen about not getting out of bed, making sure to stay in the bed, threats of having to return back to the crib... we tried the big-girl bed for the first time today.

Before the nap

During the nap

After the nap

We added a little extra bling after Ellen woke up to make sure she would fall in love with the big-girl bed even more. When it was all up and ready she said, "I wanna take a nap again!" and pretended to for the next 20 minutes.

Big-girl bed: so far, so good...


Britt said...

Oh, so cute. What a great idea to add the netting bling. She is such a big girl now!

sassymaren said...

Oh my gosh! Ellen is so cute under the netting! I remember how proud Kiera was when she got her big girl bed (except Kiera always got out of her big girl bed at night).


GREENLAW said...

that is a great trick!! congrats on the success!! :)